
Tuesday 3 August 2021

My Actions.

 WALT: Create a blog post about what I could do to help the greenhouse.

Some ways you could try help the world. To try make an impact, start by turning off the lights regularly maybe when leaving the bathroom, your room, living room, house anything!

Reduce, reuse and recycle - Anything that you would normally throw away. Try cut down anything on what you throw away.

Conserve water - Only use water when necessary. Turn the water off when you brush, flush toilet when needed, take shorter showers, etc.

Shop wisely - Know what your buying and make sure its friendly for the environment.

Drive less - Instead of driving to a near building, try walking, biking or use public transport if its more further away. It not doesn't release gases, it can make you more fit and healthy. 

Plant a tree - even one small tree can help. You inspire people to plant more tree. Imagine if all the people in the world planted 5 or even 1 tree! It's so easy and could help extremely. 

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