
Tuesday 10 March 2020

Explanation Writing

W.A.L.T write an explanation about bees.

This term Tui Whanau has been learning to write an explanation writing. Here is my writing piece...

How bees make honey

Bees are very hardworking. Did you know that bees have to suck two million flowers to produce only one pound of honey?! That's what you call hard work. Bees also flap their wings two hundred times a second? That's impossible for a human to do!

Bees like collecting nectar in spring, cause that is when flowers bloom. How they collect nectar is by finding a bloomed flower, and the bees suck the nectar out, by using their tongue which is called a proboscis, it's like a straw. It then goes into their honey stomach and then they keep repeating this process until they feel full in their honey stomach.

While they travel back to the honeycomb, which normally takes around 7 days - 2 months so the nectar and the protein has time to mix together in the bees stomach mixes, which it then converts into honey.

When the bees come back to the hive. The honey is then placed into a honeycomb and the bees then flap their wings as fast as they can for the honey to dry out. They then cover it with wax to keep it fresh.

Once the bees are done filling the honeycombs, a beekeeper just has to farm the honey from the hive, put it in a jar, and sell it! That is how honey is made. What I learnt making this is that bees are extremely hard working and a human just has to go to the store, take a honey jar, put it in their basket, trolley, etc, and then pay.

I am most proud of is how I explained the explanation, even though I didn't do the best at planning, so I had very little information, but I tried my best to make it readable, not confusing Things I need to work on is... making the writing more eye catching and not boring, not rushing the writing and making it more complex.

Did you enjoy reading my blog? Do you like bees? Have you ever wrote a explanation?


  1. Hi Mia. Great work. I had fun reading your blog and yes, I do like bees, but I'am not a big fan of honey. Do you like bees and honey Mia?

    1. Kia Ora, Natasha.
      The first time I tried honey on its own was ages ago and I didn't like it back then but I might try it soon. Yes! I love bees too! :)
