
Monday 13 September 2021

Area of a triangle...

 For our maths we were learning about area of triangles. We had to make a poster on how to do it.

Here's my poster:

Monday 6 September 2021

What did I do outside?

Everyone has been stuck inside due to the lockdown. Everyday feels more boring and boring. I wish I could go to a park, see some of my friends or/and go out to eat! But instead we have to stay home. I am grateful I can still see my family and eat my mums delicious homemade food. Something exciting I've done this weekend was taking my dog on walks to all sorts of places! The only thing is that my places to go is limited. Walking her is nothing new, I would probably still do it, even if we weren't in lockdown, but nothing exciting is really happening. The most recent and most common place for me to walk my dog is down to the beach. She loves running around on the sand but she despises the water!

What the most exciting thing that's happened during your lockdown?

Tuesday 3 August 2021

My Actions.

 WALT: Create a blog post about what I could do to help the greenhouse.

Some ways you could try help the world. To try make an impact, start by turning off the lights regularly maybe when leaving the bathroom, your room, living room, house anything!

Reduce, reuse and recycle - Anything that you would normally throw away. Try cut down anything on what you throw away.

Conserve water - Only use water when necessary. Turn the water off when you brush, flush toilet when needed, take shorter showers, etc.

Shop wisely - Know what your buying and make sure its friendly for the environment.

Drive less - Instead of driving to a near building, try walking, biking or use public transport if its more further away. It not doesn't release gases, it can make you more fit and healthy. 

Plant a tree - even one small tree can help. You inspire people to plant more tree. Imagine if all the people in the world planted 5 or even 1 tree! It's so easy and could help extremely. 

Monday 14 June 2021

Let It Go A Twisted Tale

 LI: Write a review on the last good book you read.

This book is about Elsa living in Arendelle with her parents. After her parents passed away, she slowly finds out that she have mysterious powers. Elsa then starts to remember little bits of her childhood and in her memories she remembers seeing a girl. Elsa then goes on a journey to undo a curse and find the missing Princess. 

I like the story because it has an intense mystery around the end of the story about Anna and where she is.

I would recommend this to a friend because I really enjoyed the book and most of my friends have the same interest as me.

Would you read this book?

Thursday 27 May 2021

Cautious foxy

 WALT: Create a blog post about our writing for this week

For writing this week, we had to write a story about a photo shown to us. Here's my story...

Rain bouncing off the ground. Bennett parks his car, as well as zipping up his raincoat. Bennett opens the squeaky car door, once again, highly expecting the door to completely plummet. He steps out of the car, glad that he put on his snuggy pants. The brunette man makes sure he has everything, before walking down the soggy bush walk of leaves. 

Bennet is far into the foggy forest, his old guilty experiences come back to him, but it's far too late to check if he locked the car. As he walks down the path, he can hear the waterfall crash into the water down below, even though he is jamming to his playlist. Bennett finally reached his destination, a beautiful, tall waterfall with crystal clear water, shining from the sun above. He stares at the water, wishing he brought his swimming trunks, but due to the freezing weather, he wasn’t as keen. Bennett’s legs start to ache, so therefore, he looks for a log to sit on. Straight away, he decided to sit on a mossy damp log in front of the glistening water, a perfect view to look at. He takes his bag off his back to look for his phone for a photo. After a few minutes of searching, he realises that his phone isn’t in his bag. He searches his pockets, no phone, just some tissues and his keys. He comes to the quick realization that he had left his phone in the car. Not wanting to think that he can’t take the amazing photos he wished for, he searches his bag again, hoping for more luck. He loses hopes, palming his face into his hands, he's disappointed that he had missed this opportunity. He thinks ‘There’s no point of staying to take photos, I might as well just leave’. He listens to that thought, sitting his head up.

Bennett yelps as he sees an adorable red fox sitting there, so pretty, at least 2 metres away from Bennett. The fox startled the brunette so much he fell back onto the soggy leaves, almost hitting his head on the gritty tree behind him. Looking back up at the fox, the brunette is confused by the foxes tilted head and that the fox hadn’t run away yet. Slowly get back up, the fox cautiously backs up from Bennett. The brunette man is suspicious of the confident fox. Grabbing his bags carefully, he knows he needs to run before the fox could do anything. He gets up and starts walking, not letting his eyes off the fox. The fox just sits there, licking its paws, acting like the brunette man isn’t very obviously sneaking away. Once the fox is out of sight, Bennett starts bolting to the car, no time to think of what just happened. When he's on the last turn, he unlocks his car. Swinging the car door open, and throwing his bags in, he finally made it. Locking his door, then turning his car on, he needs to catch his breath before driving off. Putting his head down onto the steering wheel, rethinking of what just happened. He looks back up. Before driving off he feels like he can see something, in the corner of his eyes. He didn’t think that this would be happening, but it is.

Arie’s Feedback: The story was good. I like the use of describing words in your story. 

Tuesday 25 May 2021


WALT: create a blog post about Maths today in class. 

For Maths today, we have to solve a Maths riddle. First step was we had to solve addition questions, then subtraction, and finally we had to match the symbols that have the same answer from the first 2 steps.

What did I do well?
I think I completed this task in an average amount of time. I also answered every question smoothly.

What did I find difficult?
I found the noise around me distracting me so it was hard to focus, but I managed.

Does this Maths riddle look fun?

Thursday 13 May 2021

Whakamaru Power Station

For inquiry in Huia, we had to create a google doc of Manapouri, Tokaanu, Monowai or Whakamaru power station and answer eight questions about our chosen place.Have you ever seen any of these power stations?

Heres a link:

Monday 12 April 2021

Decimal maths quiz

For maths in Huia, we made a quiz about about decimals on a google slide.
Here's my quiz below. Tell me your score in the comments!

Are you good at decimal equations?

Camouflage: Snow Leopard

For reading in Huia, our group had to pick an animal that can camouflage to be make it easier to hunt for their prey. Arie and I both worked together and chose a snow leopard to create a google slide on. On our slide, we researched about snow leopards appearance, their prey and predators and facts about snow leopards.

What is your favourite animal that can camouflage?

Friday 9 April 2021

Chrome shortcut quiz

Kia Ora. For cyber smart in Huia, our class made a quiz about shortcuts on a Chromebook.
Here's my quiz below. Tell me your score in the comments!

Do you know quite a lot of shortcuts on a chromebook?

Tuesday 16 March 2021


This term at school, we are learning about leadership.

A good leader makes sure that they are...

• Responsible
• Supportive 
• Respectful
• Independent 
• Communicating with others
A leader that I respect is a singer with the name of Post Malone. He inspires me because of his rap music, and his inspiring past on how he was motivated to achieve something, which he did achieve and how he started writing raps about things he mostly wanted.

Monday 1 March 2021

Goal Setting Term One B)

LI: Write about our goals and how were gonna achieve them.

Goal two: Try be quicker at answering my times tables. How I'm gonna achieve this goal is by practising the times tables I don't know that well and try to memorise the answers, or figure out strategies to solve them. I will practice 30 minutes any night that I'm free on, or willing to practice. 

Goal two: Try to improve my handwriting. How I'm gonna achieve my goal is by writing down letters that I need to improve my handwriting on. I will practising a few days a week.

Goal three: Try to increase my techniques while doing swimming styles. Whenever I go to the beach or pools, I am gonna practice swimming techniques so I can look cleaner while swimming and go faster in the water. 

Goal 4: Try to improve my typing skills. I'm gonna achieve my goal by practising sentences on the computer so I can get more used to the keyboard so I don't make any typos while typing.

Here's my goal sheet...