
Friday 18 September 2020

Waitangi trip

W.A.L.T create a blog post explaining what we did at Waitangi.

On Tuesday, Our class, Tui Whānau went on a Waitangi trip by bus. We learnt a lot of stuff about carvings, scratch and Māori stuff. We got on the bus and drove away at 8:30 and got there at around 10 am. The people who guided us were Monika and Cailtin. My favourite part about Waitangi was playing around with scratch and looking at the canoes. 


What did I enjoy?
I enjoyed looking at the cool carvings because they were interesting and made me wonder. I also enjoyed playing scratch because it was entertaining and fun to play around and make a game.

What did I find challenging?
I found trying to figure out how to do stuff on scratch because it was confusing.

Have you ever been to Waitangi?

Wednesday 16 September 2020

Kiwi Can

W.A.L.T create a blog post explaining what we did at Kiwi Can

Today at Kiwi Can we played 5 games, I won't say all of them, but my favourite game was "Stop, walk, jump". The word today was again Accountability. It means taking responsibility and ownership of you actions, the catchphrase was also the same as last time.. How the game went was that there would be someone that would either called out Go, stop, clap and jump, except they said it in Maori so it was more challenging. If they called out go, you would have to walk until they said stop, and if they called out jump, you would have to jump (The same with clap.)


What did I enjoy?
I enjoyed playing all of the game, they were entertaining and fun.

What did I do well?
I think I listened and paid attention, most of the kids listened well and 

Would you like to play this game? Have you ever had Kiwi Can?

Newspaper File

 W.A.L.T create a blog post explaining our reading task for today.

For reading today we had a different teacher, Mr. Metzger. We had to fill in a piece of paper that was about Kiwi Kids News, there was different boxes that said something at the top, whatever it said at the top we had to find an article about what it said. 
Here is my worksheet:


What did I enjoy?
I enjoyed looking at the cool and funny stuff on Kiwi Kids News because it was fascinating looking at the articles.

What did I do well?
I did well on finding articles for each box, it was pretty easy and joyful.

What could I improve on?
I think I could improve on having better handwriting when writing in the box.

Have you ever been on Kiwi Kids News?

Wednesday 9 September 2020

Kiwi Can

 W.A.L.T create a blog post explaining what we did at Kiwi Can.

At Kiwi Can today, we played 2 games, 1 activity. The word we are focusing on this term is Accountability. Accountability means taking ownership/responsibility for actions you have done and being honest. The catchphrase today was "We are honest, we are true, we take ownership for what we do." My favourite game we played today was this dancing game. The game was called "Impossible connections", basically we had to dance while music was playing, when the music stopped, one of the Kiwicaners had to call out a number and a body part. The number meant how much people in a group there would have to be, example, if she called out "three", you would have to get in a group of 3. Here's an example, if she called out "foot" you and the other people in your group would have to sit down touching feet with the other people in your group.


What did I enjoy?
I enjoyed playing the games, they were very entertaining and fun to play. I am glad that we played the games multiple times cause that means I could have a go again at doing the games.

What did I find challenging?
I found listening to the Kiwicaners difficult, I couldn't hear them that well because people were either talk, or moving chairs.

Do you want to try play the game I explained? How has your day been?

Tuesday 8 September 2020


 W.A.L.T create a blog post explaining a work piece we did from last week or this week. 

For reading today, we had to read a book called 'Reckless', then write some true or false statements. We then had to buddy up with someone and answer each others statements by writing True or False beside the sentence.
Here is my reading task:


What did I enjoy?
I enjoyed reading the book, then thinking of some statements. Also, after finding something to write, choosing between making it false and true was enjoyable.

What did I do well?
Thinking of statements and how to write them was something I think I did well.

What could I improve on?
I think I could improve on thinking of some statements more faster, I was a little slow.

How's your day today?

Thursday 3 September 2020

Geometric art

 W.A.L.T create a blog post explaining our art we did.

For art last this month, we made geometric art. I haven't finished my art so I'll just be showing you one I found on google.

Geometric Dragons - Geometric Collection

How we made it:

First we decided what animal we wanted to draw.

Once we picked what animal we wanted to draw, we either sketched it, or drew an outline of it manully.
We either drew it on a A3 or A4 paper

Once we drew our animal outline, you then have to use a ruler to make sure the lines are straight and not curved.

After that, using your ruler again, fill the inside of the animal with diagonal/straight lines.

When you're finished doing that, you can do any design you want in the inside of the lines in the animal you chose. You can do block colours, paint, dye, patterns, etc.

Once you've decided what pattern/design you want, you can start filling the inside of you animal.

Have you ever done geometric art?